The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh cover art
Childrens | New Books | Recommended

The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh | Helen Rutter

Billy Plimpton is an eleven year old boy with a big dream. He wants to be a stand up comedian. He has a bit of a problem though… he has a stammer and is unable to utter his own name without stuttering. How is he going to get through a comedy routine?

The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh follows Billy’s journey as he navigates the change from primary to secondary school. How he tackles his dream of telling jokes on stage. How he deals with friends old and new, and his relationships with his parents, sister and gran.

The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh cover art

I heard about The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh as it was picked as the Waterstones Children’s Book of the Month for March 2021. It didn’t truly appeal to me but having enjoyed previous winners I decided to give it a shot.

I’m so glad I did because this book is FANTASTIC!

The story is written from Billy’s perspective and really helps to put you into his shoes. I really felt for Billy as he dealt with the day to day challenges; living with his stammer, bullies, and the reality of never fulfilling his dream.

The book took me back (way, way back) to my own school days. A time where my best friend suffered with a stutter. I can still recall him reading to the class while our classmates sniggered at his struggle. It made me wonder how difficult life must have been for him. Aside from being thoroughly entertaining Billy’s tale is also educational. It really made me think about how it must feel to struggle with something most of us take for granted; speaking.

This Helen Rutter’s debut book and I loved every minute of it. Read it now!

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